Dan's Gardening and Birding Blog: October 2014

Friday, October 24, 2014

Potato Harvest in Review/Final Garden Cleanup/Time for Birdwatching

Welcome back and thanks again to all of my readers.

The Potato Harvest, Thomas James Lloyd, 1882

This season's potato harvest turned out to be one of the best if not the best ever.  You may recall that I planted 3 varieties this year:  Kennebec, Yukon Gold, and German Butterball.  For more information on the varieties I planted, see my most recent post regarding potatoes which was on September 18, 2014 (

The final results are in and are as follows:

Kennebec - 110 lbs
Yukon Gold - 60 lbs
German Butterball - 50 lbs

So it was a great year for potatoes.  In comparison, last year's total was about 100 lbs.

German Butterball Potatoes

I recently finished cleaning up the garden for the season.  However, a few items still remain which are hardy and can withstand frost.  As a gardener, I try to preserve what I can for as long as I can. After all, it will be many months until we will have garden fresh vegetables again.

I still have the following in the garden:  leeks, Swiss chard, Brussels sprouts, lettuce, and carrots. These will survive until the temperature dips into the middle twenties.  For some vegetables, such as leeks, the frost actually improves the flavor,

Can I Salvage a Few?

The remnants

The gardens are now rototilled and ready to rest for the winter.  However, there is more that can be done to improve the soil and get the garden ready for next season.   Stayed tuned for future posts.

As gardening winds down for the season, I will turn my attention to bird watching.  Coming soon, I will have more information on Project feeder Watch, sponsored by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. This winter long survey of birds runs from November through April.

Until next time.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Simply Photos - Fall Colors/Heirloom Tomatoes/Garden Cleanup

Welcome back.  This week I will keep it simple by just posting some photos.  The beautiful fall colors continue, as does the garden cleanup.  There are still a few remaining vegetables in the garden including leeks, Swiss Chard, Brussels sprouts,and a few surviving tomato and pepper plants.

Enjoy the photos:

Indian Corn Stalks

The Last of the Heirlooms

The Remaining Heirlooms

Hungarian Wax Peppers

Habanero Peppers

Until next time